Krieger Foundation
In 2013, Jim was awarded the Nebraska Entrepreneurship Outstanding Service Award. The award is co-sponsored by the Nebraska Enterprise Fund and the Nebraska Entrepreneurship Task Force.
Krieger said, “Nebraska needs to create a business climate that supports individual entrepreneurs and gives them the tools to succeed. There’s no silver bullet about what you can and can’t do. You have to get back to what each individual does and what we can do to support that effort.”
The nomination for Krieger highlighted a few of the multiple initiatives and programs that owe their existence in whole or in part to him and the Krieger Family Foundation, including: “Entrepreneurship in Nebraska,” the groundbreaking book that started significant dialogue and support for entrepreneurship education and advocacy efforts in Nebraska, Lincoln Public Schools’ Entrepreneurship Focus Program, UNL 4-H Extension entrepreneurship curriculum and programs, including EntrepreneurShip Investigation (ESI), LEAP into Careers and Community Connections, annual support provided for the Nebraska Summit on Entrepreneurship.
Krieger received his Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He joined The Gallup organization in 1978 and has held various officer and leadership roles, including president of Gallup’s international operations.

Monica Braun – Director, Rural Enterprise Assistance Project Women’s Business Center (left); Jim Krieger, Gallup CFO (center); Rose Jaspersen, Executive Director of the Nebraska Enterprise Fund Director (right)